Machi Komachine | Hunter x Hunter | twixtor clips 4k

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An anime Twixtor is a video editing technique that uses the Twixtor plugin to create slow-motion or speed ramping effects in anime clips. Twixtor analyzes the motion in the video and creates new frames to adjust the speed and timing of the action, resulting in visually stunning and dynamic effects. This technique is commonly used in anime editing to enhance action scenes or create a dramatic effect.

Machi Komachine | Hunter x Hunter

Name: Machi Komacine
Age: 24-25
Height: 5’2.5″ (159 cm)
Weight: 105.6 lbs (48 kg)
Blood type: B
Nen: Manipulation
* Thread Manipulation: Machi can control her threads with great precision, using them to create a variety of effects, such as binding her opponents, cutting them, or even sewing them up.
* Healing: Machi can also use her threads to heal wounds.
* Thread Bomb: Machi can create a bomb made of her threads that explodes when it comes into contact with someone.

* Highly skilled in Nen Manipulation
* Very precise control over her threads
* Can heal wounds
* Can create deadly weapons from her threads

* Not very physically strong
* Her threads can be cut by sharp objects
* Her Nen abilities are limited by her own physical strength

Overall, Machi is a very powerful Nen user with a wide range of abilities. She is a skilled manipulator and healer, and her Thread Manipulation ability is incredibly versatile. However, she is not very physically strong, and her abilities can be limited by her own physical strength.

Here are some additional details about Machi’s abilities:

  • Her Thread Manipulation ability is so precise that she can even sew up wounds in the brain.
  • She can create a variety of weapons from her threads, such as knives, needles, and even guns.
  • Her Thread Bomb is a very powerful weapon that can kill even the strongest opponents.

Machi is a very dangerous opponent, and her abilities should not be underestimated. She is a valuable asset to the Phantom Troupe, and she is sure to play a major role in the future of the series.


Character – Machi Komachine

Anime – Hunter x Hunter

Clips – S1

Type – Twixtor

Quality – 1080p

Link – Google Drive / MEGA



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